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    Welcome to Greatoo Intelligent Equipment Inc.


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    Indian Company ofGreatoo Held a Celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival

    At the Mid-Autumn Festival, the staff of the Indian company stood in the post. And althoughthey were reunited with the family, gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families, they also spent a wonderful Mid-Autumn Night in this day.
    When the moon rises, they personally cook a good dish, accompanied by a few bottles of whiskey, plus the fragrant moon cake sent by the company headquarters, everyone toasted and celebrated the festival. After the meal, everyone actively and enthusiastically participated in interesting games such as "Songs Responding" and "Mooning Poems", while enjoying the delicious moon cakes and fresh fruits with great interest, and pinning their deep love for the motherland and their loved ones with blessings. The whole event was full of laughter, applause and cheers. Everyone gathered in the charming moonlight, and some young friends jumped up the "Indian Dance". In the laughter, they spent an unforgettable time together in overseas Mid-Autumn Night.

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